About Me

Hello my beautys. I did write a small introduction when I started my blog but its been a while since then! So I thought I would add this page just for future followers (saves time and all that!)

So I should start by welcoming you all to my blog LULLYPOP. I hear you ask what the name is all about... well basically my Auntie calls me Lully as both my sisters and my cousins were never able to say my name when they were younger, and I thought I would add the 'pop' in a witty attempt (similar to lollypop!?) I like it!

My life is pretty random I must admit, I find the smallest things funny, and they tickle me for days after. My life revolves around shopping, fashion, beauty and anything girly. I'm Ellen, 20 y/o and currently studying Writing Fashion & Culture at Southampton Solent University. At first I thought this was the perfect course to become the next Fashion Journalist but as the year has gone on I have decided I want to stick to design, and promotion. Upon graduation I intend to go into Fashion Promotion and Visual Merchandising! Think window displays, signage and the layout of shops - that wil hopefully be me in 2 years time!

I am quite creative, more visually than physically. I am not great with a pencil in my hand but give me visual beauty and I can work on that. I have always been interested in Fashion and the dressing on windows, but growing up I changed my mind about a million times, at one point I wanted to be a doctor! But I certainly feel I am well on my way now (lets just hope my work experience in the years to come doesn't change my mind!)

Thank you SO much for taking the time to read my blog and this little random mumbo jumbo about me. But at least you all now have an insight into the life of me now! My blog is full of anything I feel passionate about, but I must admit the majority are usually my shopping sprees. I love to see a new friendly face when I sign on and I love making friends. So if you like what you read/see then don't be afraid to follow or comment. Everything is highly appreciated.
